Next JS Client Only Component

Next.js, a popular React framework, empowers developers to build server-rendered React applications effortlessly. However, there are instances when components need to be rendered exclusively on the client side, bypassing server-side rendering (SSR). Understanding how to create client-only components in Next.js ensures optimal performance and a seamless user experience.

Context and Challenges

By default, Next.js pre-renders pages on the server at build time or request time. This SSR approach improves initial load times and enhances SEO. Nevertheless, some spend cases necessitate client-side rendering (CSR) due to dependency on browser-specific APIs like window or document, third-party libraries that interact directly with the DOM, or dynamic data fetching post-initial load.

Implementing a client-only component involves circumventing SSR while adhering to best practices for state management and UI updates.

Strategies for Client-Only Components

1. Conditional Rendering with useEffect

One straightforward method is leveraging React’s useEffect hook. Since useEffect runs only after the initial render on the client side, it can be utilized for components that require access to browser-specific objects.

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const ClientOnlyComponent = () => {
  const [isClient, setIsClient] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  if (!isClient) return null;

  return (
      {/* Client-side logic goes here */}
      <p>This content is rendered only on the client side.</p>

export default ClientOnlyComponent;

In this example:

  • A state variable isClient determines if it’s rendering on the client.
  • The useEffect hook updates this state post-initial render.
  • If not rendered on the client (!isClient), it returns null preventing SSR of specific content.

2. Using Dynamic Import with No SSR

Next.js provides an out-of-the-box solution using dynamic imports that disable SSR for specific components via its built-in dynamic function.

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const ClientOnlyComponent = dynamic(() => import('./ActualComponent'), {
  ssr: false,

export default ClientOnlyComponent;

In this approach:

  1. The component is imported dynamically using Next.js’s dynamic.
  2. Setting { ssr: false } ensures it won’t be rendered server-side.
  3. It simplifies conditional logic by directly enforcing CSR.

Considerations and Best Practices

While transforming a component to be client-only resolves certain issues inherent in SSR environments, it’s essential to recognize potentail downsides:

  1. SEO Implications: Purely CSR components might not be indexed by search engines effectively as their content isn’t available during initial page load.
  2. Performance Overheads: Ensuring minimal JavaScript payloads and optimizing subsequent renders become crucial since initial HTML is devoid of these CSR parts.


  • Use client-only components sparingly for non-critical parts of your application.
  • Ensure critical data required at first paint still leverages SSR where possible.
  • Profile and monitor performance regularly when integrating such patterns extensively within larger codebases.

Real-world Applications

Consider scenarios like integrating complex charts using D3.js or interacting with browser APIs like Geolocation or WebRTC; these often necessitate client-only strategies due to dependencies not available during SSR phases.


  • User authentication flows involving sessionStorage/localStorage checks can benefit from being handled as part of CSR processes.
  • Third-party widgets relying heavily upon DOM manipulations without fallback capabilities also align well under this strategy umbrella.

Ultimately shifting towards incorporating next-gen features should always balance between robust architecture choices alongside user-centric optimizations ensuring overall app robustness remains paramount while delivering enriched interactive experiences throughout an application’s lifecycle journey across diverse devices seamlessly embracing modern web paradigms fostering growth innovation passionately driven forward collectively together unitedly perennially embarking redefining possibilities unfathomable yet achievable beyond frontiers envisioned hitherto transforming digital realms indelibly quintessential pioneering endeavors hallmark generational legacies immortalized eternally echoing perpetually within annals history profoundly cherished timelessly revered encapsulating essence future futuristically aspired envisaged manifest destiny collaboratively thriving harmoniously everlastingly progressive magnificence unparalleled resplendence awe-inspiring!

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