Lwc Component Example

Understanding LWC Components: A Deep Dive into Salesforce’s Modern Framework

In the world of web development, staying updated with current technologies is a key factor for success. For those involved in developing applications within the Salesforce ecosystem, Lightning Web Components (LWC) represent a crucial advancement. Introduced by Salesforce as a part of their Lightning Component framework, LWC allows developers to create fast, efficient, and more maintainable web applications. Let’s break down what LWC is and explore its capabilities through an example component.

What Are Lightning Web Components?

Lightning Web Components is a programming model for the Lightning Platform. It leverages web standards breakthroughs, can coexist and interoperate with the original Aura programming model, and delivers unparalleled performance. Importantly, LWC is based on the modern web stack (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and utilizes browser native APIs and custom elements.

The architecture of LWC promotes faster rendering and better performance when compared to its predecessor (Aura components), mainly due to its reliance on native browser features rather than relying purely on JavaScript abstractions.

Key Features of LWC:

  • Performance: Utilizes Web Components standards to deliver exceptional speed.
  • Standards-based: Employs language constructs that browsers understand natively like classes, modules, and imports.
  • Compatibility: Works seamlessly with Aura components enabling gradual migration rather than big-bang refactoring.
  • Simplicity: Reduces complexity by leveraging HTML templates without any additional syntax or custom constructs.

Example: Creating a Simple To-Do Application

To understand how LWC works in practice, let’s walk through creating a simple ‘To-Do List’ application.

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment
Before you start coding your component, ensure that your development environment is set up correctly. You would need access to Salesforce DX or an IDE like Visual Studio Code with the Salesforce extensions installed.

Step 2: Create Your Component
You can create an Lwc component using Salesforce CLI or through your developer console:

sfdx force:lightning:component:create --type lwc -n todoList -d force-app/main/default/lwc

Step 3: Write the Component Code
In your newly created todoList directory you will find three files:

  1. todoList.html – This is where you define the structure of your component.
  2. todoList.js – This file contians the JavaScript code for handling logic.
  3. todoImage.css – Styles for your component go here.

Here’s how these files look:

HTML File (todoList.html):

    <input type="text" placeholder="Add new task" onkeypress={addTask}/>

JavaScript File (todoList.js):

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class TodoList extends LightningLayout {
    tasks = [];

    addTask(event) {
        if(event.keyCode === 13){
            this.tasks.push({ id: this.tasks.length + 1, name: event.target.value });
            event.target.value = '';

CSS File (todoImage.css):

li {

Step 4: Deploy Your Component
Once you possess built your component locally using Visual Studio Code or another editor supported by SFDX tools,
you need to deploy it to your Salesforce org:

sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app/main/default/lwc/todoList/


Building applications with Lighning Web Components not only optimizes performance but also aligns with modern JavaScript standards making development straightforward for those familiar with HTML5 and JavaScript essentials. Whether building small utilities or robust enterprise-grade applications, LWC offers an effective way forward transitioning into modularized approaches in web development within the Salesforce ecosystem.

By adopting such advanced technologies as LWC in projects today, developers can ensure they are delivering scalable solutions that stand strong against evolving tech demands while retaining efficiency in execution and optimization across devices and platforms.